First Deployment

It is now time to deploy our app to the server.

cap dev deploy


00:00 deploy:check:directories
      01 mkdir -p /var/www/faker-app/shared /var/www/faker-app/releases
    ✔ 01 vagrant@project.example 3.295s
00:03 composer:local:check_status
      01 composer install --dry-run --no-interaction 2>&1
      01 Warning: This development build of composer is over 30 days old. It is recommended to update it by running "/usr/local/Cellar/composer/1.0.0-alpha8/libexec/composer.phar self-update" to get the latest version.
      01 Loading composer repositories with package information
      01 Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
      01 Nothing to install or update
    ✔ 01 vagrant@project.example 0.162s
00:03 composer:local:run
      01 composer status --no-interaction 2>&1
      01 Warning: This development build of composer is over 30 days old. It is recommended to update it by running "/usr/local/Cellar/composer/1.0.0-alpha8/libexec/composer.phar self-update" to get the latest version.
      01 No local changes
    ✔ 01 vagrant@project.example 0.145s
00:03 copy:create_release
      Generating the tar archive.
      01 tar -X /var/folders/xg/c60lqnz50h1450nl98mrh0fh0000gp/T/d20160707-81896-1vbndxb/exclude.txt -cpzf /var/folders/xg/c60lqnz50h1450nl98mrh0fh0000gp/T/d20160707-81896-1vbndxb/faker-app_20160707-81896-48as6o.tar.gz .
    ✔ 01 vagrant@project.example 0.584s
      Uploading archive to /tmp/faker-app.
      02 mkdir -p /tmp/faker-app
    ✔ 02 vagrant@project.example 0.010s
      Uploading /var/folders/xg/c60lqnz50h1450nl98mrh0fh0000gp/T/d20160707-81896-1vbndxb/faker-app_20160707-81896-48as6o.tar.gz 10.42%
      Uploading /var/folders/xg/c60lqnz50h1450nl98mrh0fh0000gp/T/d20160707-81896-1vbndxb/faker-app_20160707-81896-48as6o.tar.gz 20.2%
      Uploading /var/folders/xg/c60lqnz50h1450nl98mrh0fh0000gp/T/d20160707-81896-1vbndxb/faker-app_20160707-81896-48as6o.tar.gz 30.62%
      Uploading /var/folders/xg/c60lqnz50h1450nl98mrh0fh0000gp/T/d20160707-81896-1vbndxb/faker-app_20160707-81896-48as6o.tar.gz 40.4%
      Uploading /var/folders/xg/c60lqnz50h1450nl98mrh0fh0000gp/T/d20160707-81896-1vbndxb/faker-app_20160707-81896-48as6o.tar.gz 50.17%
      Uploading /var/folders/xg/c60lqnz50h1450nl98mrh0fh0000gp/T/d20160707-81896-1vbndxb/faker-app_20160707-81896-48as6o.tar.gz 60.59%
      Uploading /var/folders/xg/c60lqnz50h1450nl98mrh0fh0000gp/T/d20160707-81896-1vbndxb/faker-app_20160707-81896-48as6o.tar.gz 70.37%
      Uploading /var/folders/xg/c60lqnz50h1450nl98mrh0fh0000gp/T/d20160707-81896-1vbndxb/faker-app_20160707-81896-48as6o.tar.gz 80.14%
      Uploading /var/folders/xg/c60lqnz50h1450nl98mrh0fh0000gp/T/d20160707-81896-1vbndxb/faker-app_20160707-81896-48as6o.tar.gz 90.56%
      Uploading /var/folders/xg/c60lqnz50h1450nl98mrh0fh0000gp/T/d20160707-81896-1vbndxb/faker-app_20160707-81896-48as6o.tar.gz 100.0%
      Creating directory /var/www/faker-app/releases/2016-07-07-09-36-56.
      03 mkdir -p /var/www/faker-app/releases/2016-07-07-09-36-56
    ✔ 03 vagrant@project.example 0.010s
      Extracting archive to /var/www/faker-app/releases/2016-07-07-09-36-56.
      04 tar -xpzf /tmp/faker-app/faker-app_20160707-81896-48as6o.tar.gz
    ✔ 04 vagrant@project.example 0.154s
      Removing /var/folders/xg/c60lqnz50h1450nl98mrh0fh0000gp/T/d20160707-81896-1vbndxb.
      05 rm -rf /var/folders/xg/c60lqnz50h1450nl98mrh0fh0000gp/T/d20160707-81896-1vbndxb
    ✔ 05 vagrant@project.example 0.007s
      Removing /tmp/faker-app/faker-app_20160707-81896-48as6o.tar.gz.
      06 rm -f /tmp/faker-app/faker-app_20160707-81896-48as6o.tar.gz
    ✔ 06 vagrant@project.example 0.020s
00:05 copy:set_current_revision
      01 echo "Local deployment for directory '.' at '2016-07-07 11:36:58 +0200'" >> REVISION
    ✔ 01 vagrant@project.example 0.016s
00:05 deploy:symlink:release
      01 ln -s /var/www/faker-app/releases/2016-07-07-09-36-56 /var/www/faker-app/releases/current
    ✔ 01 vagrant@project.example 0.023s
      02 mv /var/www/faker-app/releases/current /var/www/faker-app
    ✔ 02 vagrant@project.example 0.021s
00:05 deploy:cleanup
      Keeping 5 of 6 deployed releases on project.example
      01 rm -rf /var/www/faker-app/releases/2016-07-05-15-40-08
    ✔ 01 vagrant@project.example 0.107s
00:06 deploy:log_revision
      01 echo "Local deployment for directory '.' at '2016-07-07 11:36:58 +0200' on release '/var/www/faker-app/releases/2016-07-07-09-36-56' by 'vagrant'" >> /var/www/faker-app/revisions.log
    ✔ 01 vagrant@project.example 0.011s

We should no be able to access the site at http://project.example:

Please bear in mind that we always run composer locally. If you change your composer.json file or remove the vendor folder than the deployment will be halted.
00:00 deploy:check:directories
      01 mkdir -p /var/www/faker-app/shared /var/www/faker-app/releases
    ✔ 01 vagrant@sample-app 0.408s
00:00 composer:local:check_status
      01 composer install --dry-run --no-interaction 2>&1
      01 Warning: This development build of composer is over 30 days old. It is recommended to update it by running "/usr/local/Cellar/composer/1.0.0-alpha8/libexec/composer.phar self-update" to get the latest version.
      01 Loading composer repositories with package information
      01 Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
      01   - Installing fzaninotto/faker (v1.6.0)
    ✔ 01 dkd-hayes@localhost 1.630s
      Please run command "/usr/bin/env composer install --no-interaction"

Usually there is a built job on a Continous Delivery Server like Jenkins that will run composer outside of Capistrano once, but in our case we want to be sure that all our Composer dependencies are being met.

Automate composer update

You can add these lines of code either to your deploy.rb or deploy/dev.rb to install all packages for PHP.

run_locally do
  invoke 'composer:local:run', 'install', '--no-interaction'

Clearing OPcache

We want to make sure that our app will be fully reloaded after deployment. In order to get this running we will automatically upload a PHP file and call it. This will empty the OpCache of PHP.


In our sample application the document_root is the web folder. That means we have to configure our task accordingly so it uploads the clear cache file to location it can reach with curl.

In our deploy.rb we add the following line:

set :remote_web_root_path, 'web'

Run manually

cap dev php:clear_opcache


00:00 php:clear_opcache
      Uploading /Users/dkd-hayes/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/dkdeploy-php-7.0.0/lib/capistrano/dkdeploy/../../../vendor/opcache_reset.php 100.0%
      Call URL http://localhost:8877/opcache_reset.php
      Result 200 - OK
      01 rm -f /var/www/faker-app/current/web/opcache_reset.php
    ✔ 01 dkd-hayes@localhost 0.009s
As you can see above, the uploaded file will be removed immediately.

Run automatically

In our deploy.rb we add the following lines:

after 'deploy:finished', 'php:clear_opcache'

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